Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Am I doing this right?

Well hi there,

Ok so I am pretty late to this thing. I'm not sure whether I even want to do this. It does seem terribly self-indulgent. But is that ok? Is one allowed to be self-indulgent once in a while? I'm not sure.

So, yeah, I have always fancied doing a blog. I like writing but I'm not very good at it. I have a few friends who blog and they all write really well which has often dissuaded me from starting one as I really can't compete. I figured that if I was ever to have a blog there should be theme rather just me writing about me because no one cares about the mostly mundane thoughts that run through my head.

So I have been wondering over a theme. I have been trying to think what I could write about that people might possibly be interested in. I considered sport but would people really read a sports blog? I also like music. Not all of it. Some of it. But that 'some of it' I do like a lot. I think it's probably the only subject on which I might have something vaguely interesting to say. Basically, there are some artists that I really want people to hear. In the last couple of years I have become pretty disillusioned with the music scene, particularly in the UK. Few new bands have excited me. But just recently, in the last couple of months, there have been a few bands who have encouraged me that perhaps the scene is about to turn the corner. And they have encouraged me to start this blog and spread the word.

Anyways...that's the plan. Perhaps this will be the first and last blog I ever do. Perhaps I will go on to become the most famous blogger the world has ever seen. I suppose that is what makes this fun...

P.S. Of course my name isn't really Creedence. But I like being mysterious and pretentious. I like the idea of people being like, 'who is this Creedence guy? He is a blog-master.'

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